2020 Meeting Minutes

DCR Board Minutes December 14, 2020

Meeting convened at 19:05.

Attendance: Duvall, Mazur, Readinger, Hillas, Felker, Ranson, Nicholson

Board previously approved November minutes by email.

1. RBA Report

The board discussed the RUSA approved 2021 schedule and the specific events Gardner has chosen to implement that schedule.

RUSA has not yet approved team events, so the status of the fleche is uncertain. The board also discussed possible finish alternatives if the Key Bridge Marriott is closed.

2. Annual Meeting

The board agreed that the annual meeting will take place remotely in January, with meeting materials distributed in December and voting on the proposed budget and board memberships opening once those material are distributed.

The board discussed a draft budget and fee schedule developed by the club Treasurer, Jack Nicholson.

3. Website

Pre-2008 ride results have been posted to the dcrandonneurs.org website, with other material on social media, stories, and photos to follow in the new year.

Meeting adjourned at 20:39.

DCR Board Minutes November 9, 2020

Meeting convened at 19:00.

Attendance: Duvall, Mazur, Readinger, Hillas, Felker, Ranson, Nicholson

Board previously approved October minutes by email.

1. RBA’s Report

The December brevet will be a new 200 that starts in Woodbine and was developed by Bill Beck.

Gardner is monitoring COVID maps and data with technical assistance from Robert Gomon.

In response to a question about what the club would do if it learned of a person testing positive after riding a brevet, Gardner replied that the club would trace any possible contacts, asit did for a , as it did for a S as it did for a Spring brevet. In that case, tracing did not reveal transmission to any other riders in the event.

2. Annual Meeting

The annual meeting for 2021 will be held electronically. Materials such as the proposed budget and candidates for the board will be circulated in advance, and voting will be electronic.

3. Website

The club has registered the domain name dcrandonneurs.org, and now hosts pre-2008 ride results at that address (http://dcrandonneurs.org/dcr/).

4. Google Group

Management of the dcrand Google group will remain separate from the club and board. All users will be able to read posts; only club members will be allowed to post to the board. Ed Felker remains group administrator.

Meeting adjourned at 19:48.

DCR Board Minutes October 4, 2020

Meeting convened at 19:05.

Attendance: Duvall, Mazur, Readinger, Hillas, Felker, Ranson, Nicholson

Board previously approved September minutes by email.

1. Website

  • Roger is working on formatting pre-2008 history for auxiliary website. Main website hosts 2008 forward.
  • Non-results information:
    • Social media accounts keep things fresh.
    • Awards
    • Stories, pictures: flickr (?), instagram, otherwise social media. How to make sure we can share the photos?
  • Main website will have information about upcoming events, club structure, and other operational information.
  • Auxiliary website will host material that can't be stored to the main site, such as pictures and ride accounts.
  • Emily is going to start helping with the website.

2. Member Zoom

  • Upcoming Season
  • RUSA Updates
  • Engage members with social media
  • Questions as focus
  • Set date for DCRand happy hour zoom.

3. RBA’s Report

  • Old Rag 200 10/17: registration is open
  • Flatbread registration open soon
  • Woodbine Iron Brigade: to be submitted to RUSA
  • Potential Dart: Gettysburg area Apple Festival 10/2-3 and 10/9-10, 2021.

4. Treasurer’s Report

  • Third quarter: $103 profit after expenses
  • Fourth quarter: tend to get membership renewals
  • Have largely paid all our major bills
  • Club current purchases Directors' and Organizers' insurance through the League of American Bicyclists. Gardner and Jack assigned action to explore alternative.

5. Gardner took action to update Organizer's How To manual and create written reimbursement policy for organizers and volunteers.

Meeting adjourned at 20.09.

DCR Board Minutes September 14, 2020

Meeting began at 19:00.

Attendance: Duvall, Mazur, Readinger, Hillas, Felker, Ranson, Nicholson

Board previously approved August minutes by email.

1. RBA Report:

Gardner reported good feedback on the Mountain Church brevet from riders and organizer. Start times suggested that the starting window of two hours was wider than needed; it will be reduced to one hour for remaining brevets this year.

The board accepted Gardner's proposed schedule for 2021. The Spring schedule will mirror the Spring schedule that wasn't run this year.

Gardner and event organizer John Mazur continue to work on route and logistics for the club 1200 in 2022. Gardner has recruited Andrew Meade, the PA Randonneurs RBA, to help develop the northern end of the route.

2. Treasurer's Report

Club balances YTD are down slightly after a period of little income but few expenses.

Meeting concluded at 20:10.

DCR Board Minutes August 17, 2020

Meeting began at 19:05.

Attendance: Duvall, Mazur, Readinger, Hillas, Felker, Ranson

Board previously approved June minutes by email.

1. RBA Report:

Gardner has not received any communications from RUSA beyond communications addressed to all members.

In light of RUSA's decision not to sanction team events or events longer than 325 kilometers, Gardner proposed the following tentative schedule for this fall:

  • 9/12
  • 10/17
  • 11/7
  • 12/5

Rides will be run be run in accordance with RUSA and state / local guidelines and with minimal support so as to limit the burden and heath risk for volunteers.

2. Functional Committees

Emily Ranson has agreed to chair the Outreach and Recognition committees.

Ed Felker will coordinate media outreach for fall schedule once the RBA has formally published it.

Meeting concluded at 19:35.

DCR Board Minutes June 1, 2020

Meeting began at 19:00.

Attendance: Duvall, Nicholson, Mazur, Readinger, Hillas, Felker, Ranson

Board previously approved May minutes by email.

1. RBA Report:

RBA reiterated his hopes of running brevets and, ideally, an SR 600 series in the Fall if possible. Board discussed what would have to occur, beyond a simple go-ahead from RUSA, for that to happen.

RBA previewed new RUSA permanent program that has since been communicated to RUSA members.

2. Functional Committees

The board voted to create the following committees reporting to the RBA:

  • Route Committee - Chair Ed Felker
  • Rides Committee - Chair Chris Readinger
  • Grand Randonnee (1200) Committee - Chair: John Mazur

The board voted to create the following committees reporting to the board:

  • Outreach Committee - Chair TBD
  • Recognition Committee - Chair TBD
  • Website Committee - Chair: Roger

The board strongly encourages members interested in serving on one or more of these committees to contact the appropriate chair.

3. Ed Felker led a discussion of ideas for club outreach, including a monthly club newsletter and publication of a Fall brevet schedule when possible.

Meeting concluded at 19:50.

DCR Board Minutes May 4, 2020

Attendance: Duvall, Nicholson, Mazur, Readinger, Hillas, Felker, Ranson

Meeting began at 19:05.

Board approved April minutes.

1. RBA Report:

RBA hopes to run a full ACP Super Randonneur series in the late summer / early fall if permitted by government mandates and guidelines, RUSA guidance, and a due concern for the health and safety of all riders.

Board discussed the multiple uncertainties surrounding any attempt to restart sponsored rides. RBA and board agreed that what the club can do is be ready to run rides, whether petit brevets or an SR series, when that becomes possible. RBA and board also agreed that it was not possible to predict with any certainty when that would be.

2. Functional Committees

RBA presented a draft of roles and responsibilities for three committees reporting to the RBA:

  • Route Committee - Create and maintain library of routes for club rides.
  • Rides Committee - Plan, schedule, and run club rides.
  • Grand Randonnee (1200) Committee - Plan, schedule, and run a 1200 kilometer grand randonnee in 2022

Commitees would be chaired by board members but would include club members willing to volunteer their time. Purpose would be to share more broadly the work of planning and running club rides, and to prepare members for future roles as club officials.

Board discussed the possibility of other committees reporting to the club board to perform club functions such as outreach and volunteer recognition.

The RBA and President took an action to present a finalized set of committee roles and responsibilities to the board for action at its June meeting. Presentation will include list of actions committees will perform.

Meeting concluded at 19:58.

DCR Board Minutes April 13, 2020

Attendance: Duvall, Ranson, Hillas, Nicholson, Felker, Mazur

Treasurer's Report:

  • First quarter ended with club balance down $83.56. This does not reflect reimbursements that may be pending ($630 for rides we have already cancelled or are likely to cancel).
  • Upfront expenses in first quarter.
  • Refunds for ride registrations pending. Riders registered for Old Rag 200 declined reimbursement. Riders registered for longer rides will all be reimbursed.

RBA Report:

  • Board agreed to cancel the rest of the spring SR series.
  • Board agreed to run SR Series in Fall if possible in line with public health guidelines.
  • Petit brevets give us the flexibility to restart 100 and 200s when public health guidelines allow us to ride together again.


  • Roger and Gardner initiated discussion of functional groups chaired by board members to increase member involvement and better align board structure with club activities.

Club Development During COVID19:

  • Zwift ride together? Emily will figure it out, will try it out with Ed (and send invite to the rest of the board), and we'll get this rolling if it works!

DCR Board Minutes March 2, 2020

Attendees: Duvall, Felker, Hillas, Ranson, Mazur, Readinger.

7:08 pm Meeting began.

Board approved February minutes.

Board discussed web site backup and contingency plans. New web site is backup up automatically. Club retains copies of old web site code and contents for redeployment if necessary.

Board decided to display full last names on the club website. Board is sensitive to members' privacy concerns and will seek to accommodate members who do not want their last names displayed in full.

The RBA led a discussion of upcoming brevet and organizer checklists.

Meeting concluded at 7:58 pm.

DCR Board Minutes February 3, 2020

Attending: Roger Hillas, Ed Felker, Jack Nicholson, Gardner Duvall, John Mazur

1. Board discussed implications of the fee structure approved by members at the annual meeting ($15 for 200, $25 for 300, $35 for 400, $50 for 600) and charged treasurer with developing a budget using those fees. Treasurer complied and the resulting budget was approved by the board via email vote on 02/08.

2. The board discussed the DCR listserv, which is open to both members and non-members (the latter without posting privileges) and is managed by Ed Felker. Discussion noted that new website allows emails to be sent to members only or to members who have registered for specific rides. No action taken.

3. Roger Hillas gave an update on the status of the club website. Biggest ongoing problem was that the emails that are used as security tokens for membership renewal and ride registration were being blocked by spam filters at some addresses (Comcast and Yahoo, in particular).

4. Board discussed registration process for scheduled ACP / RUSA brevets. Board decided by consensus to allow only online registration in advance and voted for a 07:00 cutoff two days before the event to allow organizers time to prepare paperwork.

The meeting was called to order at 19:00 and adjourned at 20:22.

DCR Board Minutes January 6, 2020

Attending: Gardner Duvall, Bill Beck, John Mazur, Emily Ranson, Chris Readinger, Ed Felker, Roger Hillas

1. RBA Gardner Duvall led a discussion of the 2020 ride schedule.

2. Gardner and Treasurer Bill Beck led a discussion of the 2020 annual budget. The board decided to have Gardner and Bill present two budgets (high and low) to members at the annual meeting. The board did not formally vote in favor of either option.

3. Roger Hillas offered a brief update on the status of the new club website.

4. Gardner led a discussion concerning multiple elements of the ride organization and registration process. The board did not reach any final conclusions and decided to continue the discussion with members at the annual meeting.

The meeting was called to order at 19:00 and adjourned shortly after 20:00.